What is E-Stamping? | Legal Stamp Duty Online Submission
In India , like in most parts of the world till a few years back, stamp papers of different denominations were used as the pre-certified document sheets in order to pay the stamp duty charges to the Government.With the sale of the physical stamp papers being banned from January 1, 2003 due to multi-crore fake stamp paper scam (the infamous Telgi scam), there was always a dire need of replacing the system of physical papers to a more-more reliable system, albeit an online reliable system in this modern online world. Electronic-Stamping (or E-Stamping as it is popularly called) is the apt answer to that need of a reliable and fast system.
Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) has been appointed by the Government of India as Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) for Computerised Stamp Duty Administration System (CSDAS) and has devised a mechanism for the electronic method of collection of stamp duty. SHCIL has established e-Stamping system in a number of Indian States including the National Capital Territory of Delhi besides other multitude of States and Union Territories . Collected stamp duty is remitted directly to the government account on next working day by the SHCIL of collecting the amount from the submitter thereby fixing the possibility of revenue leakage, if any.
The software is believed to be using fool-proof software supposedly making it almost impossible to fake or duplicate the generated e-stamp certificate. The e-stamping system is reported to be designed to prevent paper and process-related fraudulent practices. It offers a reliable stamp duty collection mechanism; and stores information in secured electronic form and builds up a central data repository to facilitate easy verification. Both the public as well as the governments benefit from the e-stamping facility.
For ready reference purpose, here's a list of COMPULSORY as well as OPTIONALLY REGISTRABLE Documents in the Delhi - the national capital region which needs these stamp duties:-
1) List of Compulsorily Registrable Document
Article No. | Description of Instrument |
5(c) | Rectification Deed- Immovable |
6(2)(a) | Agreement relating to deposit of title deed |
6(2)(b). | Agreement relating to deposit of title deed |
12 | Award |
12 | Award – Immovable |
17 | Cancellation of Instrument |
18 | Certificate of |
23 | Conveyance |
23 | |
23 | Decree ( |
23-A | |
25 | Additional Copy of document |
31 | Exchange of property |
32(a) | Further Charge |
32(b)(i) | Further Charge |
32(b)(ii) | Further Charge |
33 | Gift |
35 | Perpetual |
35(i) | Lease- Rent deed up to 1 year |
35(ii) | Lease up to 5 years |
35(iii) | Lease up to 10 years |
35(iv) | Lease up to 20 years |
35(v) | Lease up to 30 years |
35(vi) | Lease up to 100 years |
35(vii) | Lease up to 200 years |
35(ii) | Lease with security up to 5 years |
35(iii) | Lease with security up to 10 years |
35(iv) | Lease with security up to 20 years |
35(v) | Lease with security up to 30 years |
35(vi) | Lease with security up to 100 years |
35(vii) | Lease with security up to 200 years |
40 | Mortgage |
40(c) | Mortgage Collateral |
41 | Mortgage of a Crop |
45 | Partition |
54 | Re-conveyance |
55 | Relinquishment Deed |
55 | Release |
57 | Security Bond |
58 | Settlement |
58 | Decree (Settlement) |
58 | Memorandum of Settlement |
61 | Surrender of Lease |
63 | Transfer of Lease |
64 | Trust |
2) List of Optionally Registrable Document
Article No. | Description of Instrument |
3 | Adoption |
4 | Declaration |
5 | General Agreement |
5 | Consent Letter |
5(c) | Rectification Deed- Movable |
11 | Authority to Adopt |
12 | Award – Movable |
15 | Indemnity Bond |
17 | Cancellation of Agreement |
29 | Divorce |
6 | Partnership |
48 | Power of attorney –SPA |
48(c) | Power of attorney – GPA |
48(d) | Power of attorney – GPA more than five persons jointly and severly |
48(e) | Power of attorney – GPA more than five persons but less than ten persons |
48(f) | Power of attorney– GPA with consideration |
48(g) | Power of attorney – Authenticated GPA |
53 | Receipt |
55 | Disclaimer |
56 | Respondentia Bond |
64(b) | Revocation of Trust |
64(b) | Dissolution Deed |
64(b) | Deed of Retirement |
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Your site is useful and informative. Please provide the form for cancellation of unused e-stamps and its procedure.
ReplyDeleteDear Sunil,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for the encouraging words. We hope and anticipate your being an active patron of our blog from now on. Do feel free to ask and share your queries, viewpoints, contributions, etc.
As regarding your query, let us be frank in mentioning that we also have a faint idea of the procedure of cancellation of unused e-stamps. What we would do is to contact concerned people in this field and then come back to you with the accurate details. That would be the best way to impart correct information, isn't it?
We purchased stamp papers at 1999 but we used in 2003 ... by that time stamp papers scam was arrised , is it ok to use stamp papers which are purchaesd on 1999 and used in 2003 ?
ReplyDeleteDear Shiva,
ReplyDeleteIn case you are in one of the Indian metro cities or two-tier cities, use of electronic stamping (called e-stamping) has been made mandatory now.
Since you have said that you have already used the physical stamp paper in 2003, it would be prudent that you get the papers (or their copies) scrutinised by some well established lawyer or property dealer so as to ascertain of their originality.
ReplyDeleteRecently I have entered into a rent agreement at Mumbai through e-stamping. I had submitted the same as the address proof to my mobile service provider (Vodafone). I was shocked to hear from them that e-stamping is not valid under TRAI. They have asked me to submit any other document as address proof but i dont have any.
Could you please confirm if what they said is true. It would really be a great help to me if you could provide me a website link which could prove them wrong and prevent my account from getting de-activated.
Thank you..
...Bharat Reddy...
Dear Bharat,
ReplyDeleteA formal Registered Rent Agreement entered into with a landlord/ party/ entity is very much a valid address proof that should be acceptable to the telecom service providers here in India.
You may check this weblink of Vodafone also (http://www.vodafone.in/postpaid/gopostpaid/pages/idproof_mumbai.aspx?cid=mum), and show it to the concerned personnel who seem to be ignorant of the requirements. In case you do not get any reprieve, call vodafone's centralized customer care there in Mumbai and report the matter to them.
Hope we could be of good use to you. Subscribe to our updates OR follow us on facebook / twitter in case you find our blog useful.
ReplyDeleteI have a query regarding name discrepancy on eStamp paper, i am about to get a property registered but my property dealer has generate the e stamp paper but has name discrepancy, how can i get the name rectified on it?
Dear Jassi,
ReplyDeleteOne thing thats not understandable is how can your property dealer generate an e-stamp paper on your behalf since one himself/herself need to go to his/her bank branch and deposit the requisite stamp duty money!
Anyhow, you must get the document corrected before proceeding further. You may first go to your bank branch from where you might have generated the payment credit note towards stamp duty. You may then contact the local revenue department in the municipality (or vikas sadan building) thereafter with the corrected note receipt.
ReplyDeleteI recently purchased an e-stamp for my leave and license agreement but now we are not going to use that e-stamp. Where should i cancel the e-stamp in mumbai since there is very less information available on cancellation
Dear Santosh,
ReplyDeleteYou may refer the e-stamping related FAQs at regulatory body-- Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited's webpage-- following this URL:
As stated there, one can get the already issued e-stamp papers cancelled by getting in touch with the respective Competent Authority at the Stamp Office appointed by the respective State Government.
In a nutshell, find out the related address for Maharashtra division visiting the following link and file an application for cancellation there. The direct weblink for Maharashtra is:
Dear Santosh,
ReplyDeleteYou may refer the e-stamping related FAQs at regulatory body-- Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited's webpage-- following this URL:
As stated there, one can get the already issued e-stamp papers cancelled by getting in touch with the respective Competent Authority at the Stamp Office appointed by the respective State Government.
In a nutshell, find out the related address for Maharashtra division visiting the following link and file an application for cancellation there. The direct weblink for Maharashtra is:
Dear sir/madam,
ReplyDeleteI am Gurumurthy P Am running one of the cyber center in shimoga i want dealership of e stamping where i can get the license please let me know .
Dear Gurumurthy,
ReplyDeleteThe e-stamping is not open to general public for offering the services to the proposed users.
In fact, the electronic version of legal/ quasi-legal stamping has been propagated after the infamous Telgi scam here in India where by physical stamp papers were counterfeited and forged in many a states.
We do not think an individual or private business entity is authorized and permitted to sell e-stamp values. To confirm, you may visit the website (http://www.shcilestamp.com)
I want to know whether the matter for an affidavit can be typed on the back side of the e-stamp or one extra sheet of paper is used.
ReplyDeleteDear R D Ram,
ReplyDeleteForemost apologies for a late reply. We somehow missed this comment in the 'to do' list of ours.
As you might be aware by now, the e-stamp is just a black & white print out of appropriate value (amount) along with primary details of the buyer of the same. There is a limited space available in a typical e-stamp print out where the matter can be written or typed. Since this space is small, additional written or typed sheet(s) can very well be appended to the e-stamp print out.
Hope this clarifies your query. Thanks.
-BricksnMortar Edesk
Dear Sir/Madam;
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the help provided in this forum. I am facing one problem with e-stamp.
There is just one spelling error in e-stamp certificate made for sale agreement...one "a" is missing from the building name. Is it OK that I can use this e-stamp for registration of deed...or else it must be corrected by some-means such as SHCIL-authority/offices/registrar etc. without cancelling this e-stamp paper ...or else the only possible way to correct it is by cancelling this e-stamp and made a fresh e-stamp paper.
Please provide yr valuable timely suggestion/advise ASAP
Dear DRSV,
ReplyDeleteAlthough our own Edesk was of definite opinion that such an omission/ wrong entry of a vowel and/or other alphabet in an e-stamp paper does not make a big difference, yet we confirmed the matter with two eminent lawyers of Delhi who deal with real estate related matters. They also confirmed that small spelling errors in the building's name and/or address (especially which do not alter the meaning or identity of the building/ property altogether) does not arise need of getting the e-stamp paper revised.
I purchased 2 estamp papers from the bank but did not notice there were discrepancies in them, the name of the first party (seller) and the second party (buyer) are mentioned as the same in the first and in the second, the value of the property is not mentioned. I am very worried as the registry has to be done urgently as the seller is traveling abroad within next week for good. Please advise on the time that will be required to make corrections in the estamp paper and the best way to go about it.
Dear Rene,
ReplyDeleteWe understand the anxious moments you must be going through having received a wrong e-Stamp, there is no other alternate than to get it corrected for the simple reason that this reflects on your transaction and future record too. Get the e-Stamp updated and reissued from the authority from where you got it issued. Inform the seller that you shall need a day or two more, and immediately get you e-Stamp corrected. There is no other better way.
ReplyDeletePlease le t me know whats the procedure of getting the license to get started with eStamnping in Delhi.
My Mobile# 9868636383 and email id is pankaj_jain_mca@yahoo.co.in
Hello sir,
ReplyDeleteI am Anshul Gupta and i want to ask that if any person can registered in e-stamping and any person can make stump paper or only advocate.