[Source: Wikipedia]
As discussed one previous time here before also on bricks-n-mortar.com in another web-shared post, The beauty of Wikipedia is that if one feels the content is not correct, or if one wants to add to the content, then the article can be edited/ enhanced/ modified (of course subject to step by step approval).
So if you think you can add more precise and/or realistic content, GO ON! Click the link below (or here) and make the article better. You can be the useful contributor enabling other readers to get more specific and truthful details.
In the same context, Wikipedia quotes that:
Due to the disagreements over how to measure and classify structures, engineers have created various definitions for categories of buildings and other structures. One measure includes the absolute height of a building, another includes only spires and other permanent architectural features, but not antennas. The tradition of including the spire on top of a building and not including the antenna dates back to the rivalry between the Chrysler Building and 40 Wall Street. A modern-day example is that the antenna on top of the Sears tower are not considered part of its architectural height, while the spires on top of the Petronas towers are counted.
[Filed under "Web-Share, Buildings, Construction, Architecture" category(ies) by Team@Bricks-n-Mortar.com]
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