This is the 5th post in the newly started series here on BRICKS-n-MORTAR,
tag-labeled as - "SNAPSHOTS".
This series is being published here on this blog every Friday
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Today's snapshot is from the photo archives of one of BnM Edesk members- 'P.Sood' who is an avid photographer. He insists to be termed amateur despite the fact that his works have been nominated in a couple of renowned e-galleries.
Today's snapshot is from the photo archives of one of BnM Edesk members- 'P.Sood' who is an avid photographer. He insists to be termed amateur despite the fact that his works have been nominated in a couple of renowned e-galleries.
An enchanting snapshot of a
Temple near the Kacheguda Railway Station in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,
Looking at the picture, who would ever not praise the genius and supreme mastery of religious monuments' architecture?
World over, the religious monuments/ buildings/ structures/ artifacts/ construction (whatever one may call them as!) provide ultimate examples of architectural marvel-- be them the Hindu temples, Sikh Gurudwaras, Buddhist Matthhs and Stupas, Christian Churches, Muslim Mosques, Jain Mandirs, and the likes.
The factors like-- enormity of scale, architectural detailing and painstaking skill in constructing and finishing them-- are what attracts the attention of the worshipers and professionals as well.
This particular snap published today has been clicked in the Indian city of Hyderabad. The clicked Hindu Temple here in this post is located near the Kacheguda railway station.
The full moonlit Temple shines eternally in the backdrop of completely dark sky perhaps epitomizing the truth of "GOOD WINNING OVER THE EVIL"
Post title: [Snapshots]: Perfect example of an enchanting Temple Architecture and Photographic ecstasy
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