Insulation is important for all homes, as it prevents energy flow in and out of your home, and seals your home. This helps in regulating your home temperature and prevents wastage of energy resources.

Home insulation basically falls into four basic categories:
- Spray foam: This type of insulation is used to seal the entire house, so that no energy flow takes place from either of the parts. Spray foam insulation saves your home from air and moisture intrusion, and thereby reduces your utility bills. It also helps in keeping dust outside and makes your home more comfortable. There are further three types of spray foam insulation, i.e. three pound foam, two pound foam and half pound foam insulation. Depending on the area you wish to insulate and the density required you can consider using spray foam insulation material and techniques accordingly.
- Loose fill/dry cellulose: Loose fill insulation is mostly fibrous. It is made up of fiberglass, cellulose and wool. You can make out that they all are made up of waste paper and glass, and hence this technique is environment-friendly. As the name suggests, loose fill insulation is best suited for the places where it is difficult to install any other type of insulation. Areas like disfigured areas that have no shape and areas that are hard to reach can be insulated only by using this technique.
- Blanket: Blanket is used for insulating the places which require longer insulation, such as ceiling joints and floor joints.
- Rigid foam: This type of insulation involves filling free spaces and cavities with rigid boards. Foamed-in-place materials are also used to fill gaps between the places.
- Insulating areas: Different areas of your home need a different type of insulation. Insulating walls and windows are entirely different from insulating attics, and hence you would be using different types of insulation for them. There may be a possibility of moisture intrusion in certain areas of your home. You can consider using spray foam insulation in those areas of your home.
- Recommended R values: R values indicate the density of foam used in foam insulation. The higher the density more will be the cost of insulating material. Insulating materials varies with respect to the R values.
- Climatic conditions: The type of insulation also depends upon the climatic conditions outside your home. You need to choose the type of insulation, only after considering the climatic conditions around your home.
- Type of home: Insulation largely depends upon the kind of home you have. Rigid foaming is best for people living in wooden homes. Likewise, you can consider insulating your homes with spray foam insulation, if it is susceptible to moisture intrusion.
Guest post submitted by Anjaleena via email [ team(at)bricks-n-mortar(dot)com ]. Accuracy and correctness of the matter/link is not being authenticated in right spirit.
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Some of the major benefits of insulating homes is that it offers a comfortable living, reduces noise and helps save up energy costs enormously. It is because of these benefits most people today prefer insulating the homes. I would also recommend using spray foam for insulating homes if you are looking to minimize utility bills.