What does it take to have 'Perfect Tiling' on walls/ floors/ other surfaces?

While the subject/ hero/ centre-piece of this snap looks quite simpler, it takes good quality and straight-edged tiles, good quality spacers, efficient planning and 100% good workmanship to achieve a perfect spacer-separated-tiling.

Tiling: The act of fixing tiles the right way!
And, while one may argue whats the big deal in this, ask them to put their thinking hats again! Look around
the places you've been recently, and analyze where did you see the perfect tiling arrangement and joints!

The following-- in concept, practicality and approach-- are the most important points during and after the construction activity called 'tiling':
  • The substrate on which the tiles have to be fixed should be properly levelled, compacted and a little rough so that the tiles that are to be fixed fit perfectly over them

[Image source: spitoskylo.gr]

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